For good performance of the system, it is necessary to add Crons to hosting/VPS. There is no rule for that, unfortunately, that will guarantee working all the time. It is best to ask ones hosting/VPS provider, how a correct script for CRON action calling the URL should look like.

How to add CRON in CPanel, proceed to tab ADVANCED => Cron Jobs

Now paste the generated URL for CRON in SerpBooster administrator panel (App Config => Configuration => Cron Job). Apart from the rule, in the table we should select how often should Cron run.

This is a correct note/script of Cron in CPanel:

Cron crucial for program performance: (if Cron was not properly called, please contact the hosting/VPS provider)

Cron for Adding Articles – Cron is responsible for publishing articles. Calling Cron is set for once a minute.

Cron for Adding Comments – Cron is responsible for publishing comments. Calling Cron is set for once a minute.

Assistant Crone for articles – Cron is responsible for deleting articles and comments on remote domains (deleting the project is not equal to deleting articles from remote domains). Calling Cron is set for once each minute.

Cron Monitoring Site Performance – Cron is responsible for testing the SITE parameter and domain monitoring. Calling Cron is set for once per minute.

Quarantine Cron for Project Domains – If for any reason SerpBooster cannot publish an article to a domain (domain returns errors, e.g., 508) then it is taken into quarantine. Cron checks whether the domain is online, if after calling the domains Cron does not find an error, then the domain returns to the pool of domains on which articles are published. Calling Cron is set once per 2 minutes.

Cron for Adding Articles
wget -q -O /dev/null
Once Per Minute(* * * * *)

Cron for Adding Comments
wget -q -O /dev/null
Once Per Minute(* * * * *)

Assistant Cron for articles
wget -q -O /dev/null
Once Per Minute(* * * * *)

Cron Monitoring Site Performance
wget -q -O /dev/null
Once Per Two Minutes(*/2 * * * *)

Quarantine Cron for Project Domains
wget -q -O /dev/null
Once Per Two Minutes(*/2 * * * *)



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